Tuesday, November 23, 2004

GOSPEL: St. Luke's Gospel


St. Luke's Gospel
Luke's Gospel is the first volume of a two volume work by the same writer, the second volume being the Acts of the Apostles (Lk.1.1-4; Acts.1.1-2). The Gospel takes the story of Jesus from his birth to his ascension. The Acts of the Apostles continues the story of the ascension, Pentecost and the history of the early church until Paul's imprisonment in Rome.

Luke, like Matthew, follows the general order of Mark's Gospel. The distinctive feature is the 'travel document', the section dealing with the journey to Jerusalem. Whereas in Mark and Matthew this consists of several chapters, in Luke it is long section of ten chapters (9,51-19.27) - over one-third of the whole Gospel.

Luke is written in excellent Greek, with considerable literary skill and gives a charming picture of Jesus. It contains some of the most loved passages in the Gospels - the annunciation to Mary and her visit to Elizabeth, the song of Mary (Magnificat), the song of Zechariah (Benedictus), the song of Simeon (Nunc Dimittis), the visit of the shepherds to the infant Jesus, the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, the stories of Mary and Martha, Luke's account of the crucifixion and death of Jesus and the appearance of Jesus to the two men on the walk to Emmaus.

Like Mark and Matthew, Luke proclaims the coming of the Kingdom of God with Jesus. With his historical bent, he links the story of Jesus with contemporary history and throughout the Gospel there are numerous references to Roman and Palestinian history. He lays great stress on the universality of Jesus's message, on social relationships and on the graciousness of Jesus. He shows a special interest in women, in the outcasts of society and in foreigners - all those on the fringes of society of his day. Luke reflects Jesus' warmth of relationships with sinners and Jesus' confident hope in their forgiveness and amendment of life.

The contents of the Gospel are as follows:

1.1-4. Preface
1.5-2.52. Infancy Narratives
Birth of John the Baptist announced (1.5-25)
Birth of Jesus announced (1.25-38)
Mary visits Elizabeth (1.39-56)
Birth of John the Baptist (1.57-80)
Birth of Jesus (2.1-20)
Naming and presentation of Jesus (1.21-40)
Boy Jesus in the temple (1.41-52)

3.1-4.13. Preparation for Jesus' Ministry
Preaching of John the Baptist (3.1-20)
Baptism of Jesus (3.21-22)
Genealogy of Jesus (3.23-38)
Temptation of Jesus (4.1-13)

4.14-9.50. Galilean Ministry
Summary (4.14-15)
Rejected at Nazareth (4.16-30)
Teaching and healing in Capernaum (4.31-44)
Call of first disciples (5.1-11)
Healings (5.12-26)
Call of Levi (5.27-32)
Controversies on fasting and the Sabbath (5.33-6.11)
Jesus chooses the twelve disciples (6.12-16)
Sermon on the plain (6.17-49)
Healing of Officer's servant (7.1-10)
Raising of the widow's son (7.11-17)
Messengers from John the Baptist (7.18-35)
Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee (7.36-50)
Women followers of Jesus (8.1-3)
Parable of the sower (8.4-15)
Parable of the lamp (8.16-18)
Jesus and his family (8.19-21)
Calming of the storm (8.22-25)
Healing stories (8.26-56)
Mission of the twelve (9.1-6)
Herod's reaction to Jesus (9.7-9)
Feeding of the five thousand (9.10-17)
Peter's confession (9.18-20)
First announcement of the Passion (9.21-27)
Transfiguration (9.28-36)
Healing the epileptic boy (9.37-43)
Second announcement of the Passion (9.44-45)
Who is the greatest? (9.46-48)
The exorcist ((9.49-50)

9.51-19.27. Journey to Jerusalem
9.51-13.21. First Stage of the Journey
Rejection in Samaria (9.51-55)
Would-be followers of Jesus (9.56-62)
Mission and its implications (10.1-24)
Parable of Good Samaritan (10.25-37)
Mary and Martha (10.38-42)
Teaching on prayer (11.1-13)
Controversy on demons (11.14-26)
True happiness (11.27-28)
Demand for a miracle (11.29-32)
Various teachings (11.33-12.12)
Parable of the rich fool (12.13-21)
Trust in God and other teaching (12.22-13.9)
Healing the disabled woman (13.10-17)
Parables of mustard seed and the yeast (13.18-21)

13.22-17.10. Second Stage of the Journey
The narrow door (13.22-30)
Lament over Jerusalem (13.31-35)
Healing of a sick man (14.1-6)
Humility and hospitality (14.7-14)
Parable of the great dinner (14.15-24)
Cost of discipleship (14.25-33)
Parables of Salt, Lost Sheep, Lost coin, Prodigal Son.
Shrewd Manager, Rich Man and Lazarus (14.34-16.31)
Forgiveness, faith and duty (17.1-10)

17.11-19.27. Third Stage of the Journey
Healing of ten men (17.11-19)
Coming of the Kingdom (17.20-37)
Parable of the dishonest judge (18.1-8)
Parable of Pharisee and tax collector (18.9-14)
Jesus blesses little children (18.15-17)
Concerning riches (18.18-30)
Jesus speaks about his death (18.31-34)
Healing a blind man (18.35-43)
Jesus and Zacchaeus (19.1-10)
Parable of the valuable coins (19.11-27)

19.28-21.38. Ministry in Jerusalem
Entry into Jerusalem (19.28-40)
Lament over Jerusalem (19.41-44)
Purging of the temple (19.45-46)
Teaching in the temple (19.47-20.8)
Parable of tenants in the vineyard (20.9-18)
Teaching in the temple (20.19-47)
The widow's offering (21.1-4)
Desolation of Jerusalem (21.5-38)

22.1-23.56. Passion Narrative
Plot against Jesus (22.1-2)
Betrayal of Jesus by Judas (22.3-6)
Last Supper (22.7-23)
Argument about greatness (22.24-30)
Prediction of Peter's denial (22.31-34)
The two swords (22.35-38)
Gethsemane (22.39-46)
Arrest of Jesus (22.47-53)
Peter denies Jesus (22.54-62)
Mocking of Jesus (22.63-65)
Trials of Jesus (22.66-23.25)
Crucifixion (23.26-43)
Death of Jesus (23.44-49)
Burial of Jesus (23.50-56)

24.1-53. Resurrection
Women at the empty tomb (24.1-12)
Jesus on the road to Emmaus (24.13-35)
Jesus appears to his disciples (24.36-49)
Ascension (24.50-53)

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