Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Philosophy/Epistemology and Theological Method
Beyond Foundationalism: Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context
Stanley Grenz ,John Franke
Beyond Foundationailsm is a book that attempts to reshape our theological method in a post-foudationalist context. Although the concept of foundationalism may seem to be abstract to many its implications are seen and felt all around us – in the way people construct and act upon their beliefs. Grenz and Franke explain the subject well and speak of what is “beyond foundationalism”, of a faith that is colourful, creative and makes sense in a changing world. A great primer for this emerging conversation.
Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous
W. Jay Wood

This book is an absolute gem, and a must read for people trying to navigate post-modern culture. Jay Wood does an excellent job of introducing areas of philosophy, including foundationalism. Jay Wood attempts to speak about the way in which ethics and character should affect the way in which we construct belief. A stimulating read, and essential thinking in a time when constructing belief has often become disconnected from virtue.
Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism: How Modern and Postmodern Philosophy Set the Theological Agenda
Nancey Murphy
Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism has become a standard text when considering the way in which modernity and a foundationalist epistemology has shaped the Protestant Church in the West. Murphy explains how both Liberal and Fundamental forms of Protestantism have emerged over time and shows us how they are both out workings of a similar philosophical framework. Murphy then proceeds to talk about where theology is heading, how the rules have changed and the opportunities that this presents to us.
The Truth About the Truth
Walter Truett Anderson
This is a comprehensive starter pack into the world of postmodern thinking. The book comes in 4-part book that will certainly prove useful as a primer. Part one and two sets out to define and to explain vocabulary. Part three deals with the construction of self. Part four takes on a more big picture look (globalization) and closes with the positive side of postmodern discourse.
The End of the World as We Know It: Clear Direction for Bold and Innovative Ministry in a Postmodern World
Chuck, Jr. Smith
The world is dramatically changing. How will the church respond? The evolving social and cultural landscape is creating new demands on faith and the church. Chuck Smith Jr. provides some practical strategies for seizing these new and hopeful opportunities for ministry and speaks of how we can become vital members of a new Christian movement that is being called to change the world.
Truth Is Stranger Than It Used to Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age (Gospel and Culture)
Brian Walsh ,Richard Middleton
In their book, Truth is Stranger than it Used to Be, Middleton and Walsh endeavor to wrestle with Christian faith in light of our present culture. They write one of the most helpful surveys of the rise of modernity and the move to an increasingly postmodern world. The second part of the book then attempts to outline how the Christian church can potentially thrive in such a context. A really helpful and inspiring book that is again a helpful introduction to the emerging conversation.
Evangelical Futures
John G. Stackhouse (Editor)
This book takes the form of a collection of essays from notable theologians. They reflect on the history and state of evangelical theological method and suggest avenues for composing theology in today’s postmodern context. The result is an effort to encourage evangelicals on to deeper and more creative discussion of their tradition and how it can meet the needs of our time. There are some great essays here, which contribute much to reconstructing a vibrant faith.
Blackwell Companion to Postmodern Theology (Blackwell Companions to Religion)
WARD ,Graham Ward (Editor)
So expensive, so many pages, so many great articles, so worth getting out of the library or if you are feeling rich splashing out £85to add to your personal library. A bargain!
Liquid Modernity
Zygmunt Bauman

Liquid Modernity addresses the shifts in some of the large social factors that define our identity and shape our relationships with one another, such as individuality, time/space, work and community. Bauman notes that the world is speeding up for some people whilst others are becoming immobilized: of what on the one hand seems to be “progress” and on the other seems to “annihilation of human care. He is very clear about the problems this causes and offers guidance about some possible ways ahead.
The Remaking of Evangelical Theology
Gary Dorrien

For those who want a history of modern evangelicalism you could not find a better study than The Remaking of Evangelical Theology by Gary Dorrien. This is an in-depth historical analysis of evangelical theology, Dorrien describes how evangelicalism has developed and matured. Beginning at the turn of the 20th century and the start of the fundamentalist-modernist controversies, he notes the key figures and institutions of the evangelical movement.
Good News in Exile: Three Pastors Offer a Hopeful Vision for the Church
Martin B. Copenhaver, Anthony B. Robinson, and William H. Willimon
The church in the West no longer enjoys the privileged and status it once did. Walter Brueggemann likens this existence to that of Israel in exile. This time of exile would indeed be “bad news” if we did not remember that God already has considerable experience in working powerfully among those who are in exile. As the history of Israel demonstrates, a time of exile can be particularly rich and fertile. There is opportunity in relinquishment. The authors explore how the Christian community can indeed flourish in such circumstances. This is a seriously good book!
Liquid Church
Pete Ward

This book paints a picture for how the church can embrace the liquid nature of culture rather than just scrambling to keep afloat while sailing over it. The church must be like water – flexible, fluid, changeable, able to adapt to a forever evolving culture. Ward’s book is a provocative read, and a helpful contribution to an important topic.
A Peculiar People
Rodney Clapp

In our individualistic, technologically oriented, consumer-based culture, Christianity has become largely irrelevant. Clapp argues that the solution is not retrench and bury our heads in the sand. What is needed is for Christians to reclaim our heritage as a peculiar people, as unapologetic followers of The Way.

Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony
Stanley; Willimon, William H. Hauerwas
In this bold and visionary book, two leading Christian thinkers explore the alien status of Christians in today’s world. A provocative Christian assessment of culture and ministry. A great contribution to this conversation.
A Community of Character
Stanley Hauerwas

This is one of Hauerwas’ best contributions to the conversation about narrative theology and community formation. Here, he applies his theory of the narrative formation of Christian character to the field of social ethics by showing why any consideration of the truth of Christian convictions cannot be divorced from the kind of community the church is and should be.
A Churchless Faith
Alan Jamieson

Jamison draws on his doctoral studies to provide church leaders with fresh insight into the changing culture and some of the reasons why people are leaving churches. Jamison argues that for many the reason they leave the church has to do with them growing in their faith rather than death, and they try and go it alone. In a changing culture, Jamison believes that many of your leavers are your congregations pioneers into new spiritual territory.
The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations
Dan A. Kimball
Churches are noticing less and less emerging generations in their midst. This book explores the cultural changes impacting churches and offers practical advice of how they can creatively reach emerging generations. Some of the “spiritual” things that were removed from churches are the very things that post-Christian generations are connecting with and find attractive in a church.
Stories of Emergence: Moving from Absolute to Authentic Michael Yaconelli ,Mike Yaconelli (Editor)
Imagine coming to a crossroads where you’re no longer sure who you are, why you do what you do, why you believe the way you do. You’re not even sure you care. Where do you go? (For some of you that’s not too hard to imagine.) This is a book of stories about people who have transitioned from one world to another and speak about the things they learned on the way.
The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
Philip Jenkins
This book explores the changing face of Christianity around the world. Jenkins looks at how the epicenter of growth has shifted to the Southern Hemisphere. By 2050 only one Christian in five will be a non-Latino white person. As well as shifting geography, there is an accompanying change of emphasis with regard to spirituality. Jenkins projects into the future and looks at some of the ways this might play out on a global playing field.
The Prodigal Project
Michael Riddell , Mark Pierson ,Cathy Kirkpatrick

Why are Christians across the Western world leaving the church in such alarming numbers? Could it be that God is using discontent to nudge us towards change? The Prodigal Project argues that we need to revitalize our worship, our spirituality and our theology if the church is to remain faithful in the third millennium. The book comes with an interactive CD ROM.
Congregation, Stories and Structures
James F. Hopewell

This really is a book that was way before its time. Published in 1987, Hopewell explores the congregation and the shape of the local church as a narrative community gathered in a time and place. The book is difficult to come by but is excellent and well worth trying to get hold of.
Pages: 219
Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age
Ed Stetzer

Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age is an instruction book for planting biblically faithful and culturally relevant churches. It addresses the “how-to” and “why” issues of church planting by providing practical guidance through all the phases of a church plant with a missional look at existing and emerging churches.
The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 2lst Century Church
Michael Frost , Alan Hirsch
This is a book about the Church’s mission in a Western context where many are disillusioned with the shape of the church and yet immense spiritual openness. The authors explore the ways in which the church in the west needs to recalibrate itself, rebuilding itself from the roots up. Using many case studies as a springboard for their theory, they provide examples of what the church can be and what it needs to become if it is to flourish in the 21st century.
[no picture available]
Decoding the Church: Mapping the DNA of Christ’s Body
Howard A. Snyder , Daniel V. Runyon
Using the genetic code as a model, Decoding the Church focuses upon the mission of today’s church, providing theological analysis, biblical principles and practical applications for how we can effectively transform the world.
The Younger Evangelicals: Facing the Challenges of the New World
Robert E. Webber
Possibly one of the most helpful books around at the moment that articulates the challenges that confront an emerging generation of leaders. This book does a great job of surveying the shape of ministry and Christian expression in a new cultural landscape.

Postmodern Pilgrims: First Century Passion for the 21st Century World
Leonard Sweet
Tired of the old world? Then welcome yourself aboard Captain Sweet’s ship as he leads a voyage to the New World. Tantalizingly written as always, Sweet wields his words with creative mastery, synthesizing the old and the new with harmonic brilliance. A fun and fantastic read.
Aquachurch: Essential Leadership Arts for Piloting Your Church in Today’s Fluid Culture
Leonard Sweet
Tailored especially for the local church pastor, this book weaves traditional leadership arts such as vision and teamwork with the new challenges of a postmodern world. Sweet’s creative brilliance is nearly drowning at times, but the master metaphor of the high seas, sailing, and orienteering will keep rocking your boat for months to come.
A is for Abductive: The Language of the Emerging Church
Leonard Sweet , Jerry Haselmayer , Brian D. McLaren
Just when you hated the stale stock of evangelical clichés, these three gurus spot us a new dictionary to replace the old one we already chucked in the bin. So if you’re sick of the monotony of the modern language game, you have no choice but to join the fun by learning how to play the postmodern one.
Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in the Theology of Mission (American Society of Missiology Series)
David J. Bosch
A landmark book to say the least, “comprehensive” is the word this book evokes. Bosch redefines missiology from nearly every angle, and leaves you wondering how we all got it so wrong. Great for scholars yet intriguing and accessible for everyone else.
The Connecting Church: Beyond Small Groups to Authentic Community
Dallas Willard (Foreword), Randy Frazee
This one will leave you salivating for the kind of church he describes; very practical strategies for developing a culture of community in your local setting. Frazee is a great writer who weds fun ideas and easy reading.ff
The Contemplative Pastor: Returning to the Art of Spiritual Direction
Eugene H. Peterson
This is a book that every pastor would do well to read. Known to many as “a pastor’s pastor,’ Eugene Peterson offers wisdom and refreshing words to pastors caught in the busyness of preaching, teaching and “running the church”. Peterson helps us to reorientate ourselves as we reflect on the true vocation of a pastor.
The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
Lesslie Newbigin

Newbigin’s book has become a standard text for missiologists, theological students and church leaders the world over. This book grapples with the question of ‘What is the Christian message in a society marked by religious pluralism, ethnic diversity, and cultural relativism?’ Newbigin provides a brilliant analysis of contemporary culture and suggests how Christians can more confidently affirm their faith in such a context.
The Continuing Conversion of the Church
Darrell Guder

Guder weaves biblical theology into the tangled mess of common church problems to create a tapestry of the kingdom of God which is both beautiful and compelling. Definitely a book for those interested in detailed ecclesiology and only for those willing to renovate their view of what the church could and should be.
Dangerous Wonder: The Adventure of Childlike Faith
Mike Yaconelli
This book made me cry! A wonderfully written book full of evocative stories and an incredible messag about aquiring a faith that is full of joy and freedom,. Dangerous Wonder is a book that invites you to recapture the joy of being a child and apply it to your relationship with God. An absolute must read.
The Cost of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Cost of Discipleship focuses on the Sermon on the Mount with its call to discipleship, and on the grace of God and the sacrifice which that demands. A timeless book that will speak to many generations. A classic in its own right, the book is certainly bigger than its legend.
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God
Dallas Willard
What is Christian discipleship? In this book Dallas Willard offers a fresh hearing for Jesus and his revolutionary message. This is simply phenomenal. Probably the most complete and accessible redefinitions of authentic Christianity in recent history. The Divine Conspiracy is a life changing exploration of God’s Kingdom and its powerful presence in daily life.
Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
Dallas Willard
Renovation of the Heart is a book about growing into the character of Christ through a transformed spirit. Willard describes this transformation as a divine process that “brings every element in our being, working from inside out, into harmony with the will of God or the kingdom of God.” In the transformation of our spirits, we become apprentices of Jesus Christ.
The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives
Dallas Willard
Willard builds on Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline by looking at the theology behind the spiritual habits. Though sometimes hard to fully digest, the book more than rewards the persistent reader with a feast of useful teaching and inspiration. Prayer, solitude, silence, sacrificial living, meditation on God’s word and service to others. Willard explains why these disciplines work and how their practice brings life in all its fullness.
Messy Spirituality: Christianity for the Rest of Us (Hodder Christian Books)
Mike Yaconelli
In Messy Spirituality, Mike Yaconelli helps us to take a fresh look at spirituality by dispelling some of the urban myths the surround the subject and to define another way of being spiritual. He shows us how Jesus’ take on spirituality is often at odds with what we have too often made it.
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society
Eugene Peterson
Eugene Peterson explores the songs of ascents (Psalm 120-134) which were the songs the Israelites sung as they journeyed up to Jerusalem to the high festivals. Drawing from the text principles for Christian discipleship he shows us how journeying towards God as a life of pilgrimage is no quick answer but instead a long obedience in the same direction.
Emergent/YS Titles
The Search to Belong: Rethinking Intimacy, Community, and Small Groups (Emergent YS Series)
Joseph R.Myers
The Search to Belong is a practical guide for pastors and church leaders who struggle with building community in a culture that values belonging over believing. Myers’ book comes as a result of a long journey of experience in the world of relationships and personal development. His insights are insightful and compelling. This is a great resource for all those journeying across the tricky terrain of fostering deep community.
The Church in Emerging Culture: Five Perspectives (Emergent YS Series)
Brian D. McLaren (Contributor), Erwin Raphael McManus (Contributor), Leonard Sweet (Editor)
Just looking at the list of contributors should be enough to make you want to pick this book up and read it. What should the church look like today? What should be the focus of its message? How should it present that message? This book explores these crucial questions. This book is immensely thought provoking and will be helpful for anyone exploring similar territory.
The Church on the Other Side: Doing Ministry in the Postmodern Matrix
Brian D. McLaren
As the title suggests, this book attempts to help church leaders rethink faith in a postmodern context. Brian McLaren heads straight to the heart of the question that so many church leaders are asking, “What is the church of tomorrow going to look like?” McLaren takes a look at where the church is at, where the people we need to reach are at, and ways in which that gap can be filled. McLaren makes some cutting edge observations that every pastor will inevitably have to face. A really helpful and stimulating read.
Finding Faith: A Self-Discovery Guide for Your Spiritual Quest
Brian D. McLaren
Real faith isn’t blind believism. It is a process that engages your intellect as well as your emotions.
Finding Faith aims to help spiritual seekers progress through their spiritual search by confronting questions—in non-Christian language—about God, the nature of faith, truth, and religious life. This book could act as a great launch pad for conversation.
More Ready Than You Realize: Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix
Brian D. McLaren
This is not a book about evangelistic techniques, it is a book that tries to redefine the very essence of what evangelism is and how we live listening lives in a postmodern context. McLaren presents a vision of spiritual friendship that is authentically Christ like, genuine and which values and respects people who are on a spiritual journey.
A New Kind of Christian: A Take of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey
Brian D. McLaren
Brian McLaren

Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture-Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel
Brian D. McLaren ,Donald Clarke ,Tony Campolo
The Story We Find Ourselves In: Further Adventures of a New Kind of Christian
Brian D. McLaren
Oasis Titles
What Every Volunteer Youth Worker Should Know
Danny Brierley

Connect!: Your Place in the Globalised World
Tony Campolo (Foreword), Tim Jeffery, Steve Chalke
Joined Up
Danny Brierley

Growing Community
Danny Brierley

Faithworks: Intimacy and Involvement
Steve Chalke

Other Recommended
Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community: Eight Essays
Wendell Berry
GenX Religion
Richard W. Flory and Donald E. Miller

GENX Relgion is a collection of essays that look at the eclectic, innovative, and often unconventional spirituality of Generation X. Lots to think about here!
Pages: 257
The McDonaldization of the Church
John Drane

Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age
Ed Stetzer

The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 2lst Century Church
Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565636597/jasonclark-21/ [no picture available]
Postmodern Youth Ministry: Exploring Cultural Shift, Creating Holistic Connections, Cultivating Authentic Community
Tony Jones
Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World
Robert E. Webber
Other Cool Books We Like
Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann
Walter Brueggemann
Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy
Walter Brueggemann
Jesus and the Victory of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God)
N.T. Wright

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